Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Braided Hex Nut Bracelet...

So I am sure many of you have seen the DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet floating around on Pinterest or other blogs in general. I decided to try it out. I went to Osh Supply Hardware to pick up the twine and hex nuts, I probably should have gone to a bigger store, but Osh is not across town, like Home Depot and Lowes are. I found the hex nuts, and the smallest size they had looked bigger than the ones in the instructions, so I decided just to purchase the pack of 10 instead of the specified 18. Then I get to the twine section, and everything was either too big or too small. This should have been my clue, to just wait until I needed to go to one of the bigger home improvement stores, but I settled on a thinner twine, and decided I would just use more strands of it.

Here's the supplies I started with:

Once I was home and ready to take on this project, my husband took notice and wondered if I could make one for him. He has a job of delivering medicine to patients at their home. Most of them are regular patients, but there have been times that he's delivered to new patients that aren't particularly nice. There have also been a few occasions where employees in the same field have been robbed, so he thought I could make him one in case he is ever in need of some protection. Now of course neither of us are violent people, nor do we want to harm anyone, but this bracelet may be a quick way for him to defend himself and get out of the situation. Beings that I wasn't completely fond of the materials I brought home I figured why not make it for him instead.  I cut the twine much longer than I would for me, and long enough to wrap around his wrist twice. 

Here's an example I used 3 strands of twine for each strand of the braid, which in total was 9 strands of twine. Oh and yes, that's my cat Desi in the background. He likes to watch but never helps! Haha.. 

I took a rubber band and put it around my big toe, and slip knotted the twine onto the rubber band. After that I started braiding it about half way then incorporated the hex nuts with each outer strand as I braided. Let me tell you, this looked so much easier than it was. It made think about which strand I was braiding instead of just braiding from memory.

Here is my finished product. In the long run, I should have bought more hex nuts, and definitely the next time I try this they need to be smaller, because the hex nuts flop around and switch positions from being so heavy.

All in all I am happy with how it turned out, and it fits my husbands wrist, so that's a definite plus!

To check out the actual instructions to this bracelet you can go to Honestly...WTF

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