Saturday, January 14, 2012

Craft Catastrophe!

Today was a craft catastrophe kind of day. You see it's my friends birthday, and she is an extremely crafty and creative gal. I got it into my head that if I gave her a store bought card it would be as if I was giving a painter and store bought painting from Target or something. I have made handmade cards before, so I went into it expecting good results. Boy was I wrong! My original plan was to make a card out of wax paper. I had seen a how to make wrapping paper out of wax paper on another blog, and thought that might be a cool idea for a card. I cut 3 rectangles out of card stock, one for the front, one that would say "Happy Birthday" and the last would be to write on. I burned the edges of each of these rectangles, and "white washed" them with gold paint to create a old look. I then glued them onto the wax paper, as I didn't want the moving around. I think my biggest mistake is that I had already folded the card and put cardboard in between the fold instead of keeping it flat until finished. My iron was warmed up, and had a towel over the card, ironed until it "fused" together, and then flipped sides. From here I'm not sure what went wrong, but it looked like something I would have made when I was a child. It wasn't smooth, it had tons of creases, and parts of it would not "fuse" together no matter how long I had the iron on it.

I then decided I would take a greeting card I had at home, and paint over the original cover. Not having planned anything, I started with a green base coat, which did not look girlie enough, so I added some yellow to make it more playful. This made me see the beginnings of a tree, so I carried on and painted a tree.

After I finished with the tree, I wasn't happy with the card. It's probably because my original idea didn't pan out. Plus the cover was starting to warp from the paint, so I scrapped that one too.

I then took my 3 rectangles I originally made for the wax paper card, and made this card:

I know that it needs something else, but I'm just not sure what that something is. All in all, I'm happier with it than I was with the other two attempts, and I'm glad that my craft catastrophes (for today) have come to an end. It's funny that some days the sky is the limit for crafting, and other days the simplest of tasks feel impossible. 

Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to comment and follow me.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the card. I like the gold accents and the burned edges. Super great.


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