Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Story.

I was born, and raised in Chico, California. A city in Northern California, roughly 2 hours above Sacramento. It's a nice city to grow up in, big enough to have most things available, but still small enough to know your neighbor. It's kind of funny, because although it's grown in population and has much more businesses than when I was a child, I most likely could still do a six degrees of separation on each person who lives here. I think it's just one of those cities that will never be big enough to not run into someone you are trying to avoid. Haha.

My Mother is who I give all my credit to for my crafty side. She is incredibly creative, and taught me early on that the sky is the limit, anything I put my mind to is possible. Because of her I can spend hours upon hours in Michaels dreaming of all the possibilities. And you know, even now that I am in my late 20's, she is still teaching me how to create things I had not even thought of. Including these earrings I recently made. I have never attempted jewelry before, not bad for my first try!

Apologies for the lower quality photo. Blasted cell phone camera, it's just so much easier to use when just taking one simple photo!

Anyway, I met my husband July of 2001. I was working for an office supply company, and he was the security guard for the parking lot in the back of our store, which was actually a parking lot for a bank. He would try talking to me, and I didn't really give him the time of day because most of the security guards would just talk my ears off, and I only had short breaks to pay the meter, eat lunch etc. So what does Jason (my husband) do? He pretends his car battery is dead, in order for me to take the time and help him jump start it. We became friends at that point, chit chatting during my breaks, but never anything more than during the time we both worked. He was transferred in August to do security for another business, and I thought that was the end of him. In late August I found a note on my car (in the same parking lot) with his number on it, telling me he'd like to get together sometime, and here was his number. I called a few days later, and we arranged to meet September 2nd for coffee.

After our first date, I knew he was special. We married on September 27, 2008. Yes seven years later. I am a child from a divorced family, and it was actually me that took longer to be ready to get married. I knew I wanted to be with Jason forever, but the binding contract of a marriage scared me. Now that we've been married over three years, I can't remember my life not being married to him. He's a great husband, and also very crafty! He gets extra points for that! Haha. 

In 2004, my Mom started her own company. The company I had been working for had gone out of business, so I immediately started working for her. Jason had a job at that time, but he helped out part time doing whatever he could to help Mom's business succeed. In 2006 the business was thriving, so much so that we moved our location to a much larger office space, and Jason moved positions to our company. The same year my Grandfather (from my Mom's side) passed away, and a year later Mom's husband unexpectedly passed away. Huge bumps in the road, obviously, but Jason and I held down fort while Mom took sometime to heal. In 2009, a few employees working for us took advantage of my Mom's kindness. This plus the economy going down the tubes resulted in us having to close our doors. This meant that Mom, Jason and I were all out of a job. My Grandmother (on my Mom's side) health worsened so Mom is now taking care of her full time. Jason also is now working after a year of being unemployed, and I have had some temporary and odd jobs since then, but nothing stable. 

I started this blog as mainly something to do. As many people who are unemployed, or stay at home know sometimes its good to have a purpose, something to be accountable for or to have goals for each day. This blog has already helped me in that it's pushed me to do some projects I've wanted to try, but never have done so. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to follow me, I can use all the followers I can get. :)

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