Friday, January 13, 2012

A Quick Look at Spray Paint Art.

My Husband, as I have said before has been learning the art of spray paint. He was kind enough to allow me to film him during one of his latest projects. It's pretty simple to make, especially after a few practice runs. We've given them as gifts to a few people, and everyone really loves them.  We already have a collection of spray paints, but if you're just starting out or would like to try it 5 different colors is a good start. You will definitely need black and white, the rest is up to your own imagination.

In a previous post I went over the basics on how to make a stencil for spray paint art. Click here see the How To on stencil making. Also credit goes to Brandon McConnell whose DVD's have taught Jason several techniques as well has Step by Step directions for each painting in his videos.

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